

电子游戏软件 climate researchers lead most comprehensive worldwide assessment to date of the potent greenhouse gas

Emissions of nitrous oxide—a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide or 甲烷—continued unabated between 1980 and 2020, a year when more than 10 million metric tons flowed into the atmosphere primarily through farming practices, 根据一份由美国政府牵头的新报告.S. 由电子游戏软件的气候科学家提出.

Hanqin田, the director of the Center for Earth System Science and Global Sustainability at the 席勒综合科学与社会电子游戏正规平台所电子游戏正规平台由世界各地近60名电子游戏正规平台人员共同完成 全球碳项目该机构定期评估温室气体排放.

在地球上,过量的氮会导致土壤、水和空气污染. 以一氧化二氮的形式释放到大气中, 它消耗臭氧层,加剧气候变化.

Agricultural production accounted for 74 percent of human-driven nitrous oxide emissions in the 2010s—attributed primarily to the use of chemical fertilizers and animal waste on croplands—根据报告 “1980-2020年全球氧化亚氮预算,发表在该杂志上 地球系统科学数据.

在一个必须减少温室气体排放以减缓全球变暖的时代, in 2020 and 2021 nitrous oxide spewed into the atmosphere at a faster rate than at any other time in history, 电子游戏正规平台发现.

2020年,农业排放达到800万吨, a 67 percent increase from the 4.1980年释放了800万吨, 根据报告, the most comprehensive study of global nitrous oxide emissions and sinks produced to date.

Director of the Center for Earth System Science and Global Sustainability Hanqin田

“Nitrous oxide emissions from human activities must decline in order to limit global temperature rise to 2°C as established by the Paris Agreement,田先生说, 该报告的主要作者. “Reducing nitrous oxide emissions is the only solution since at this point no technologies exist that can remove nitrous oxide from the atmosphere.”

The concentration of atmospheric nitrous oxide reached 336 parts per billion in 2022, a 25 percent increase over pre-industrial levels that far outpaces predictions previously developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 说田, who worked with Center for Earth System Science and Global Sustainability Research Director Susan Pan and postdoctoral fellows Naiqing Pan and Yongfa You.

“This emission increase is taking place when global greenhouse gasses should be rapidly declining towards net zero emissions if we have any chances to avoid the worst effects of climate change,田先生说.

The world’s farmers used 60 million metric tons of chemical nitrogen fertilizers in 1980. 到2020年,该行业使用了1.07亿吨. 同年, animal manure contributed 101 million metric tons for a combined 2020 usage of 208 million metric tons.

The unfettered increase in a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential approximately 300 times larger than carbon dioxide, 给地球带来了可怕的后果.

Drawing on millions of nitrous oxide measurements taken during the past four decades on land and in the atmosphere, 淡水系统, 还有大海, Tian said the researchers have generated the most comprehensive assessment of global nitrous oxide to date.

The researchers examined data collected around the world for all major economic activities that lead to nitrous oxide emissions and reported on 18 anthropogenic and natural sources and three absorbent “sinks” of global nitrous oxide.

排在前十位的一氧化二氮排放国是, 印度, 美国, 巴西, 俄罗斯, 巴基斯坦, 澳大利亚, 印尼, 火鸡, 和加拿大, 电子游戏正规平台人员发现.

报告称,一些国家已经减少了一氧化二氮的排放. Emissions in China have slowed since the mid 2010s; as have emissions in Europe during the past few decades. 在美国.S., agricultural emissions continue to rise while industrial emissions have declined slightly, 稳定总排放量.

This emission increase is taking place when global greenhouse gasses should be rapidly declining towards net zero emissions if we have any chances to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

在美国.S., agricultural emissions continue to creep up while industrial emissions have declined slightly, 使总排放量相当平稳. Natural sources of nitrous oxide emissions from soil, fresh- and saltwater have remained stable.

成立于2001年, The 全球碳项目 analyzes the impact of human activity on greenhouse gas emissions and Earth systems, producing global budgets for the three dominant greenhouse gasses—carbon dioxide, 甲烷, 一氧化二氮.

Improved agricultural practices that limit the use of nitrogen fertilizers and animal waste can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. Tian said there is a need for more frequent assessments so mitigation efforts can target high-emission regions and activities. An improved inventory of sources and sinks will be required if progress is going to be made toward the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

“While there have been some successful nitrogen reduction initiatives in different regions, we found an acceleration in the rate of nitrous oxide accumulation in the atmosphere in this decade,全球碳项目执行主任Josep Canadell说, 他是CSIRO的电子游戏正规平台科学家, 澳大利亚国家科学机构. “The growth rates of atmospheric nitrous oxide in 2020 and 2021 were higher than any previous observed year and more than 30 percent higher than the average rate of increase in the previous decade.”